Community Health Nursing
APHN Clinic
Eligible Personnel: All active duty Soldiers, Tricare beneficiaries, and DOD civilians
Mission: APHN enables total force readiness through promoting population-focused health, mitigating disease and injury, assuring Force Health Protection, informing policy, and responding to emerging health threats.
APHN Services: Provides the ten essential services of public health: Programs and services include:
• Communicable Disease Surveillance and Tracking
• Health Promotion
• Tobacco Cessation Education
• Sexually Transmitted Infection Education and Counseling
• CYS Services
Tobacco Cessation Class: Available at the Army Wellness Center (Bldg. 1489) Offered the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month at1300-1500 (one consolidated 2 hour class)
Report of Animal Bite - Potential Rabies Exposure:
The Performance Triad: