A Medical Readiness Clinic (MRC) will be conducted February 12, at Building 2020 (SRP Site). Walk-ins will be accepted first come/first served 0800-1600. NEW!! Dental Exams for those in DRC4 status will be provided from 1230 to 1430.

Patient Resources

Updated May 6, 2024

Patient Affairs

The Patient Affairs Division at Ireland Army Health Clinic, Fort Knox, is located on the 2nd floor.

Scheduling Fit for Duty (FFD)

  1. Commanders contact Ms. Vonda Moore at IRAHC Patient Affairs to schedule a Fit for Duty (FFD) Exam: vonda.m.moore2.civ@health.mil or 502-626-9824.  

  1. FFD exams determine eligibility for Return to Duty vs Medical Evaluation Board (MEB). 

  1. Commanders must submit a written request in memorandum format, including: 

  • Soldier name, rank, SSN, DODID, home address, home phone number, mobile phone number; and, 

  • Unit, Unit Identification Code (UIC), and unit address. 

  1. Written requests must include pertinent medical documentation from civilian physicians / providers, civilian specialists, and other examination results that pertain to the Soldier’s diagnosis(es) / condition that is disqualifying or duty-limiting. 

  1. FFD exams are scheduled by Ms. Vonda Moore after receipt of all required documentation. 

  1. FFD Exams are conducted IN-PERSON at IRAHC. 

  1. Soldiers should present for examination wearing the Army Physical Fitness Uniform (APFU) including shorts, short sleeve shirt, running pants, and running jacket. 

Line of Duty (LOD) Exams

  1. Commanders contact Ms. Vonda Moore at IRAHC Patient Affairs to schedule a Line of Duty (LOD) Exam: vonda.m.moore2.civ@health.mil or 502-626-9824.  

  1. LOD exams for Reserve Component / National Guard Soldiers determine whether an injury, illness, or disease incurred or aggravated while in a qualified duty status (30 days or less) is military service connected. 

  1. Commanders must submit a written request in memorandum format, including: 

  • Soldier name, rank, SSN, DODID, home address, home phone number, mobile phone number; and, 

  • Unit, Unit Identification Code (UIC), and unit address. 

  1. Written requests must include pertinent medical documentation from civilian physicians / providers, civilian specialists, and other examination results that pertain only to the Soldier’s claimed diagnosis(es) / condition. 

  1. Commanders complete DHA Worksheet 01 “Medical Eligibility Verification: Reserve Component” when a Soldier requires emergency medical or dental treatment when seen at a civilian facility. 

  1. Commanders complete DA Form 2173 “Statement of Medical Examination and Duty Status.” Once the unit commander completes and signs Section II of DA Form 2173, the Soldier is eligible to receive medical care at government expense with authorization to be seen at the nearest Military Treatment Facility (MTF). 

  1. Soldier unit administrator (UA), health services system department (HSS), or authorized representative must submit the DA 2173 into the ARNG Electronic Medical Management Processing System (eMMPS). 

  1. LOD issues requiring care will not be authorized one year from diagnosis without identification and referral for Disability Eligibility System (DES). 

  1. LOD exams are scheduled by Ms. Vonda Moore after receipt of all required documentation. 

  1. LOD exams are conducted IN-PERSON at IRAHC. 

  1. Soldiers should present for examination wearing the Army Physical Fitness Uniform (APFU) including shorts, short sleeve shirt, running pants, and running jacket. 

Contact Us

Telephone Number

Line of Duty/Fit For Duty 502-626-9824


Ireland Army Health Clinic
200 Brule Ave
Fort Knox, KY 40121-5111
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!