Saturday School Physical are scheduled for 0800-1300, 27 July 2024.
Families must call the appointment line (1-800-493-9602) to schedule Saturday appointments. This is for children 4-17 years of age. This will be for School/Sport physicals ONLY- no wellness or establish care visits. Parents need to bring school form(s) and immunization record(s) We ALSO have plenty of pediatric appointments available throughout the week. These appointments can be booked via the call center or MHS Genesis Patient Portal.

Health Services

Dupuytren's Contracture

What is it?

Just under the skin on the palm of the hand is a layer of tissue known as the palmar fascia, which helps hold the tendons in the hand in place and also prevents the fingers from bending too far backward when they are pushed. With Duputren's Contracture, this fascia becomes thickened and tightens so that the fingers cannot straighten all the way. This most often occurs in the ring and little finger and can occur on both hands.

Signs and Symptoms of this Condition

◾Pain when straightening the fingers
◾Difficulty using the hand
◾Inability to straighten the fingers or lay them flat on a tabletop
◾Tightness in the palm of the hand


While the exact cause is unknown, Dupuytren's Contracture is a genetic condition, meaning that it is inherited. It is most often seen in middle-aged Caucasian males.


Smoking and heavy use of alcohol can increase the severity of the condition.


If there is no impact on hand function heat and stretching as well as cortisone injections may be used. A splint (especially for night use) may be prescribed to keep the fingers straight. Surgery is often used once the condition impacts the function of the hand. Various surgeries may be done.


The information on this website is meant for patient education and to provide home treatment options for some common muscular and skeletal injuries. It is not intended to replace your health care provider. Many are actually intended for use by your health care provider through referral to the website for appropriate self-care interventions. If your symptoms get worse; are not improving in two weeks despite treatment; or new unexplained symptoms develop, you should contact or follow-up with your health care provider.
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