A Medical Readiness Clinic (MRC) will be conducted February 12, at Building 2020 (SRP Site). Walk-ins will be accepted first come/first served 0800-1600. NEW!! Dental Exams for those in DRC4 status will be provided from 1230 to 1430.

Patient Resources

Updated June 3, 2024

Medical Records / Release of Information

Business Hours:  7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. Closed federal holidays. The Outpatient Records Section closes at 3:00 p.m. for training on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. The IRAHC is closed on the 1st Thursday until 10:00 a.m. and the 3rd Thursday until 12:00 p.m. 

*MEDCOM 40-21(Service Coverage Areas): Fort Knox, KY covers Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. Health records can be requested from the nearest facility to where you live. Note: If you are out of state and out of our service coverage area, you do not need to request records from the last duty station/last place seen. Please request from the nearest Military Treatment Facility (MTF)- Find a Military Hospital or Clinic TRICARE.* 

We are located on the second floor of Ireland Army Health Clinic. Walk up the main staircase, follow the railing wrapping right around the glass balcony, and continue towards the door with a colorful stained-glass window, turn left, we’re located down the hall on the right. 

Appointment Verification: 

AR 40-400 (Identification Procedures): Ages 10+ must have a Military ID presented at the time of appointment. If ID card is not presented for the child, then the Parent/Guardian must provide their Military ID or Driver’s License to the Medical Records service window to prove verification before being seen. For a Service Member, they must show a valid Driver’s License to verify identification and verify eligibility at the Medical Records service window before being seen. 

Requesting a copy of Military Records by the Patient: 

Medical Records will provide 1 free digital copy of your medical records on a CD once a year upon your request. The medical Records staff have up to 30 business days (not including Federal Holidays or weather-related closures or weekends) to fulfill medical records requests. 

Requests for medical records requires a filled out and signed DD FORM 2870 and proper identification (Any state issued picture ID: front and back<NOT YOUR MILITARY ID CARD>). Civilian medical organizations requesting patient medical records may use their own release forms in lieu of the DD FORM 2870

Note: For more information about patient eligibility, please visit our Medical Records/ROI Flyer

There are several ways to acquire a copy of records/Upload documents into your electronic medical record:  

Please note: Due to high demand, do not expect request(s) to be done at the medical records window. 

  1. If you have a common access card (CAC), email your request through DOD SAFE at https://safe.apps.mil/ - Use “IRAHC” as the Recipients Name – Use usarmy.knox.medcom-irach.list.outpatient-records@health.mil for the Recipients Email – Attach the completed DD 2870 (Any state issued picture ID front and back if DD 2870 is not electronically signed) – (Please check encrypted box on DOD SAFE website) – Use your DOD ID number as the passphrase to encrypt your records request and include the DOD ID number in the notes section. Incomplete or incorrect requests will result in a delay of your records being processed. 
  1. By fax OR mail, completed DD 2870 along with a copy of a valid ID (front and back) - the ID must have your name and signature on it. 
  1. View and download your health records on the Genesis Portal https://my.genesis.health.mil. Documents like lab work, radiology, office notes, medication list, and immunization records can be found here. Lab results are available four days after the results are complete. Radiology results are available three days after the test has been taken. 
             -  MHS GENESIS Patient Portal step-by-step sign-up guide 
  2. Uploading medical documentation into your electronic medical record:
    1. If you have a common access card (CAC), email your documentation through DOD SAFE at https://safe.apps.mil/ - Use “IRAHC” as the Recipients Name – Use usarmy.knox.medcom-irach.list.outpatient-records@health.mil for the Recipients Email – Attach the necessary documentation – Use your DOD ID number as the passphrase to encrypt your documentation and include the DOD ID number in the notes section. Incomplete or incorrect uploads will result in a delay of your records being processed.
      • Format:
        • If it is one encounter: Please give us the name of the facility, the initial date of treatment (MM/DD/YYYY), and specialty (orthopedics, obstetrics, dermatology, oncology, urology, cardiology, etc.). Incomplete or incorrect uploads will result in a delay of your records being processed.
        • If it is multiple encounters: Please give us the name of the facility, the initial date of treatment (MM/DD/YYYY), the period of treatment (MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY)and specialty (orthopedics, obstetrics, dermatology, oncology, urology, cardiology, etc.). Incomplete or incorrect uploads will result in a delay of your records being processed.

There are three prerequisites for accessing the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal 

  1. You need to have accessed care at a site using MHS GENESIS.
  2. ​You will need to establish a DS Logon account by creating a username and password at the following website: https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/identitymanagement.
  3. If you currently have a DS Logon, you will need to log-in and upgrade your account to Premium. *please note: The process of completing the online application to establish a DS Logon account takes approximately 10 minutes and some questions may seem intrusive, but it is to protect your information. The intent of asking for this level of information is to eliminate the chance of unauthorized access to your health information. This application only needs to be done once to establish your account. Active duty and any other personnel with a common access card (CAC) may use that to login through the DS Logon site. 

Note: All sponsors should validate “Relationship” settings to ensure spouses can select and view their dependent’s portal in their Patient Portal. To update visit: https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/identitymanagement.  

Note: MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is only available for DOD Beneficiaries; all others should contact the IRAHC Release of Information. 

Note: Under DHA-Policy Memorandum 23-010, in general, when a patient or guardian or other person acting in loco parentis (i.e., an adult with authority to act in place of the parent/s) has authority to act on behalf of an unemancipated minor in making decisions related to health care, they are considered the personal representative for receipt of the minor’s PHI. In those instances (e.g., mental health care, pregnancy, care for sexually transmitted diseases) where a minor is recognized as being able to provide informed consent for their own care, typically when they become adolescents, state and federal law under HIPAA protects their privacy other applicable law or regulation. Because of this, DOD may not be able to provide full online access to parents, guardians, or other persons acting in loco parentis for adolescents (ages 13 to 17). 

Note: For more information about patient eligibility, please visit our Medical Records/ROI Flyer. 

  • Establishing a DS LOGON and accessing MHS GENESIS Patient Portal 

To create and then access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, please visit the DS LOGON web page. 

  1. If you do not have a common access card (CAC) or a MyPay account, you will need to create a DS Logon account to access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. 
  2. To ensure MHS GENESIS can confirm your identity and provide the highest levels of cyber security and safeguards of your health information, you will be required to complete a brief verification process. You will be provided 3 minutes to complete a 4-question quiz to verify your identity. Responses may include providing your DOD ID number (found on your military IID Card), and some personal information including financial questions, past addresses, etc. 
  3. You will create your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal password in the online registration process. A new password will need to be created every 180 days. 
  4. Once you have successfully created your DS Logon, click on “Upgrade To Premium Account” to upgrade your account to Premium Access to view your health information. 

Note: If you are out of state, you do not need to request records from the last duty station/last place seen. Please request from the nearest Military Treatment Facility (MTF)- Find a Military Hospital or Clinic | TRICARE

*Beneficiaries are entitled to one free personal copy of their medical record a year, per AR 40-66. Additional copies provided will incur a charge of $20 for a CD. 

Non-Military Treatment Facility requesting a copy of records: 

*MEDCOM 40-21(Service Coverage Areas): Fort Knox, KY covers Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. Health records can be requested from the nearest facility to where you live. Note: If you are out of state and out of our service coverage area, you do not need to request records from the last duty station/last place seen. Please request from the nearest Military Treatment Facility (MTF)- Find a Military Hospital or Clinic TRICARE.* 

We must have all request(s) in writing. Submit your request by Fax: 502-624-9247 (please set up your fax machine to receive a confirmation receipt). On your facility request form, please include patient’s full name, date of birth (DOB), patients last 4 of SSN, or their DOD ID number. Be specific of what your request and include a working return fax number. If requesting imaging, please fax Radiology at 502-624-9343. 

Requesting Archived Medical Records 

Visit the National Archives website at https://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/medicalrecords.html.  

Birth Certificates (Past Births): 

Office of Vital Statistics 



We do not issue and do not have access to past birth certificates. Please call or visit the Office of Vital Statistics for more details. 

Out-processing Soldiers: PCS, Separation, Retirement

(Briefing at 1330hrs: Every Tuesday of each month. EXCEPT: The second Tuesday of each month, it will
be on Monday at the SRP Site-Bldg. 2020).

All Soldiers preparing to PCS, Separation, or Retirement are required to out-process through the medical records section. Soldiers must bring a copy of their orders that we can keep and out-processing paperwork. Paper medical records are the property of the Federal Government according to DHA Procedure Manual 6025.02 and must be turned in to your nearest MTF outpatient medical records. Here is the necessary out-processing packet. 

In-processing Soldiers:

(Briefing at 1330hrs: Every Tuesday of each month. EXCEPT: The second Tuesday of each month, it will
be on Monday at the SRP Site-Bldg. 2020). 

Soldiers must in-process through the medical records section. Soldiers must bring a copy of their orders that we can keep and in-processing paperwork. Soldiers that are hand carrying their paper medical record are required to turn the record into medical records at the time of in-processing according to DHA Procedure Manual 6025.02 or the in-processing paperwork will not be signed. Here is the necessary in-processing packet. 

NOTE: In/Out-processing is not a virtual proceeding. 


1 800-493-9602 (Follow the phone tree)
Tricare Enrollment/Medical Records/Patient Referrals (Press 9)
-Press 2: Medical Records Technician/Registration
-Press 3: Release of Information (ROI)
Fax: 502-624-9247 (Medical Records/Release of Information *ONLY*)
Fort Knox: (Information Line)


Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Closed 1:00pm to 4:00pm every Tuesday of each month, except for the 2nd Tuesday of each month it will be on Monday.
The Outpatient Records Section closes at 3:00 p.m. for training on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.
Closed 1st Thursday of the month until 10 a.m.
Closed 3rd Thursday of the month until 12 p.m.
Closed federal holidays.

Mailing Address

FORT KNOX, KY 40121-5111
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!